Phylum Mollusca

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Phylum Mollusca により Mind Map: Phylum Mollusca

1. Bivalvia

1.1. Body: 2 shells with muscle inside

1.2. Filter feeders

1.3. They move using the abductor muscle to open and close and swim

1.4. Picture:

2. Polyplacophora

2.1. Oval animals

2.2. Rasp mouth parts to remove algae from rocks

2.3. She'll has eight plates

2.4. Picture:

3. Cephalopoda

3.1. Head is surrounded by tentacles and has a head

3.2. Horn beaks to tear prey

3.3. Creeps by swimming with fins

3.4. Picture:

4. Gastropoda

4.1. Large shell

4.2. Grazers and suspension feeders

4.3. Moves similar to a slug

4.4. Picture: