Digital Story: S6E03 - Students will investigate the scientific view of how the Earth's surface ...

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Digital Story: S6E03 - Students will investigate the scientific view of how the Earth's surface was formed. により Mind Map: Digital Story: S6E03 - Students will  investigate the scientific view of how the Earth's surface was formed.

1. Plan

1.1. Introduce video topics

1.2. Begin with igneous rocks and discuss extrusive and intrusive rocks

1.3. Next cover how weathering occurs

1.4. Now talk about collection of sediment and how sedimentary rocks form

1.5. Next discuss how metamorphism takes place and turns sedimentary rocks into metamorphic rocks.

1.6. Lastly, show the connection between the three different rock types and the cycle they go through.

2. Acquiring Audio

2.1. Use an upbeat background instrumental song that will fill in empty void in between talking. Can be acquired through YouTube or current music collection.

2.2. Recordings will be done using a headset and the program Audacity after video footage is acquired.

3. Acquiring Video

3.1. Using Clip Converter, see if you can find video clips of magma to explain the process of metamorphism. Obtaining video clips on my phone of magma could prove... difficult hah.

3.2. Using my phone, see if I can take interesting video of different types of rocks.

3.3. LASTLY, I had the idea of doing a video much like "Draw my Life" you see on YouTube. Instead, I could get a whiteboard and dry erase marker and draw awesome pictures of the rock cycle. The video would feature funny and interesting drawings to explain the process and be sped up so it's not slowly done in real time.

4. Main Video Points

4.1. The Rock Cycle

4.1.1. Classify Rocks by their process of formation

4.1.2. Describe the process that changes rocks and the surface of the Earth