
All about Paisano

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Paisano により Mind Map: Paisano

1. Born in Italy

1.1. has three brothers

1.2. mom born in 1932 and still kicking

1.3. dad died in 1991

2. Living in Atlanta since 1994

2.1. Works downtown Atlanta

2.2. Ranch Home with Pool

3. Grew up in Newark, NJ

3.1. roof jumping champ

4. Loves the Internet



4.3. [email protected]

4.4. thepaissano (yahoo im)

5. Married Lori in 1995

5.1. 3 Kids

6. Painter

7. Created first laptop Depot

8. Avid Reader

8.1. Shakespeare

8.2. Edgar Allen Poe

9. drives a BMW

9.1. Drives Honda minivan

10. Loves to cook

10.1. Favorite food is chinese

10.2. loves crablegs

11. Into gadgets

11.1. digs his iTouch

11.2. Loves his iPhone

11.3. Loves his TomTom GPS

12. Inventor

13. Writer

13.1. Writes poetry

13.2. Screenplays

13.3. Novels

14. Big Sports fan

14.1. Loves Yankees

14.2. Love Italian Soccer team

15. Loves TiVo

15.1. Loves Mary Tyler Moore Show

15.2. Loves the Twilight Zone TV series

15.3. It's a wonderful life is favorite movie

16. Good Athlete

16.1. Excellent Tennis Player

16.2. Soccer star in H.S.