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Matter により Mind Map: Matter

1. Physical Properties

1.1. Viscosity: Book definition- The tendency of a liquid to keep from flowing. Our Definition- The ability of a liquid o flow Examples- Vinegar has low viscosity and honey has a high viscosity

1.2. Conductivity: A material's ability to allow heat to flow. Our Definition- A material able to let heat or an object flow through it. Examples- A hot medal spoon on one end will eventually get hot on the other side, a utensil on a hot pan will get hot on the other side.

1.3. Density: Book Definition- Used to test the purify of a substance. Our Definition- Tested and used to find the purifying of a substance. Examples- used to purify methanol and other chemical liquids.

1.4. Boiling Point: Book Definition- Temperature at which a substance boils. Our Definition- What temperature a substance will begin to boil. Examples- water will begin to boil at a certain degree.

1.5. Melting Point: Book Definition- Temperature at which a substance changes from solid to liquid. Our definition- A substance goes from a solid to a liquid. Examples- cooking pasta in boiling water.

1.6. Hardness: Book Definition- Two materials which one can scratch each other. Our Definition- Comparing two medal materials. Examples- Copper will be scratched by a kitchen knife, stainless steel sharpens other medals.

1.7. Malleability: Book Definition- Ability of a solid to be hammered without shattering. Our Definition- A specific medal being able to be molded or hit and not break. Examples- Gold can be hit and molded without breaking, and ice cube does break because it's shattereable and is able to liquefy.

2. Chemical Properties

2.1. Reactivity: Book Definition- property that describes how readily a substance combines chemically with others. Our Definition- reads how well a substance combines with another substance. Example- rust on a medal, seawater helps keep the ship stable.

2.2. Flammability: Book Definition- Material's ability to burn in the presence of oxygen. Our Definition- When a material can burn or is able to. Examples- Fabric in children's sleepwear must have a low flammability.