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Glossophobia により Mind Map: Glossophobia

1. What are the symptoms for those that suffer from Glossophobia? How can treat or help people suffer from Glossophobia?

1.1. "Social Anxiety and Social Phobia - Teen Health and Wellness." Social Anxiety and Social Phobia - Teen Health and Wellness. Ed. Jan S. Hittelman, PhD. N.p., Nov. 2013. Web. 05 May 2014.

1.1.1. a Jan S. Hittleman and doctor PhD b Informative source, It is supported by the author, normal, yes, it is show the reasoning behind this phobia and yes, people that made this source has scientific mineral. c This does help me answer my question about treatment, yes, another source have the some facts, it has facts i need to finish the research, and yes, their is a couple of keywords in here that could be helpful. d November 2014, this is still really recent source, yes, they are all working fine, yes, it was made a year ago, and No, there isn't any data used.

1.2. Doctor, Ronald M., and Ada P. Kahn. "Social Phobia." The Encyclopedia of Phobias, Fears, and Anxieties. Second ed. New York: Facts on File, 1989. 464-65. Print.

1.2.1. a Ronald M. and doctor PhD b Informative source, It is supported by the author, normal, Yes, because he is the author of the book, and No, because another doctors have reviewed this source. It say a lot about the symptoms, No, it is still very similar from the another sources, yes, it has support group listed in the book to help people this phobia, and No, nothing that stick out. d In 1986, yes, this source is a little out dated, There is no links for this source, The book is kind of old, and The data/statistics might not be want it is now.