My First Mind Map

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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My First Mind Map により Mind Map: My First Mind Map

1. Unit 2

1.1. Achievement : A thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage

1.2. Ambitious : Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed .

1.3. Bonuses : A sum of money added to a person’s wages as a reward for good performance

1.4. Challenging : Testing one’s abilities; demanding

1.5. Creative : Relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something

1.6. Fear : An unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm

1.7. Incentives : A thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something

1.8. Perks : become or make more cheerful, lively, or interesting

1.9. Pessimistic : Tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen .

1.10. Repetitive : Containing or characterized by repetition, especially when unnecessary or tiresome

2. Unit 3

2.1. Autonomous : Of a country or region) having the freedom to govern itself or control its own affairs .

2.2. Budget : An estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time .

2.3. Conflicts : A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one

2.4. Factory : A building or group of buildings where goods are manufactured or assembled chiefly by machine .

2.5. Hierarchical : Of the nature of a hierarchy; arranged in order of rank

2.6. Merger : A combination of two things, especially companies, into one

2.7. Organization : An organized group of people with a particular purpose, such as a business or government department

2.8. Outsourcing : Obtain (goods or a service) by contract from an outside supplier

2.9. Superior : Higher in rank, status, or quality

2.10. Takeover : An act of assuming control of something, especially the buying out of one company by another

3. Unit 6

3.1. Accountability : The fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility

3.2. Appointed : (Of a time or place) decided on beforehand; designated

3.3. Consumer : A person who purchases goods and services for personal use

3.4. Equity : The quality of being fair and impartial

3.5. Gender : The state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones)

3.6. Prejudice : Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience

3.7. Quota : A limited or fixed number or amount of people or things, in particular

3.8. Ratio : The quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other

3.9. Sacked : A large bag made of a strong material such as hessian, thick paper, or plastic, used for storing and carrying goods.

3.10. Strategic : Relating to the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests and the means of achieving them

4. Videos

5. Unit 1

5.1. Analysing : Examine (something) methodically and in detail, typically in order to explain and interpret it .

5.2. CEO : A chief executive officer, the highest-ranking person in a company or other institution, ultimately responsible for taking managerial decisions.

5.3. Company : A commercial business

5.4. Crisis : A time of intense difficulty or danger:

5.5. Directors : A person who is in charge of an activity, department, or organization

5.6. Manager : A person responsible for controlling or administering an organization or group of staff

5.7. Motivation : A reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way

5.8. Performance : An act of presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment

5.9. Resign : Voluntarily leave a job or office

5.10. techniques : A way of carrying out a particular task, especially the execution or performance of an artistic work or a scientific procedure .

6. Unit 4

6.1. Authority : The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience

6.2. Collectivist : The practice or principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it .

6.3. Characteristics : Typical of a particular person, place, or thing

6.4. Diversity : The state of being diverse

6.5. Globalization : The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.

6.6. Hierarchy : A system in which members of an organization or society are ranked according to relative status or authority .

6.7. Logical : Of or according to the rules of logic or formal argument

6.8. multinational : Including or involving several countries or individuals of several nationalities

6.9. stereotype : A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing

6.10. universalists : A person who believes that all humankind will eventually be saved .

7. Unit 5

7.1. Candidate : A person who applies for a job or is nominated for election

7.2. Confirmation bias : The tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one’s existing beliefs or theories.

7.3. Covering letter : A letter sent with, and explaining the contents of, another document or a parcel of goods

7.4. Junior : For or denoting young or younger people

7.5. Quit : Leave (a place), usually permanently

7.6. Referee : An official who watches a game or match closely to ensure that the rules are adhered to and (in some sports) to arbitrate on matters arising from the play

7.7. Senior : Of a more advanced age

7.8. Shortlist : A list of selected candidates from which a final choice is made

7.9. Vacancy : An unoccupied position or job

7.10. psychology : The The scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context