Laughing Out of Place Chapters 2 & 3

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Laughing Out of Place Chapters 2 & 3 により Mind Map: Laughing Out of Place                   Chapters 2 & 3

1. Social class distinction

1.1. social hierarchy based on whiteness

1.1.1. white preferred

1.1.2. mulata sexualized

1.1.3. black denigrated

1.2. educational disparity

1.2.1. cursory education for poor

1.2.2. poor inability to attend school

1.2.3. expected professional status of upper classes

1.3. differing employment opportunities

1.4. visible differences beyond race

1.4.1. writing

1.4.2. deportment

1.4.3. speech

1.5. geographic

1.5.1. neighborhoods separate

1.5.2. schools

1.5.3. entrances and elevators

2. Geography

2.1. urban

2.2. regions of gentrification

2.3. moved poorest to remote pocketed sections

2.4. transport available but lengthy

3. Political

3.1. political instabiliy

3.2. police corruption

3.3. lack of care

3.4. unequal and repressive

4. Survival

4.1. economic

4.2. family

4.2.1. basic human needs

4.2.2. caring for others

4.3. safety

4.4. lack of knowledge