登録は簡単!. 無料です
または 登録 あなたのEメールアドレスで登録
ProHomes Planning により Mind Map: ProHomes Planning

1. Welcome Email

1.1. Invite to Beta Users

1.1.1. Beta users will already have their expire date set for 12/31/14

1.2. Sign up through website

1.2.1. send 'registration date' and 'trial expiration date' to CM list Or, Chris will manually change this

1.2.2. If they ever convert to a paid subscription, update the person with a 3rd custom field called Paid Subscription Star t Date = 1

1.3. Welcome Email

1.3.1. sent immediately when they register

1.4. No Unit Email

1.4.1. sent 5 days after you join if "unit" is null

1.5. Chris & Joe are friends now. They agree that Joe is going to be a beta person instead.

1.5.1. Change Joe's expire date to "insert date here"

1.6. Expiration emails

1.6.1. Sent days before expiration date in campaign monitor

2. List Custom Fields

2.1. Source

2.1.1. Beta include those who responded via email

2.1.2. Pre-launch Invite

2.1.3. Trial

2.2. Email

2.3. # of Units

2.4. Registration Date

2.5. Expiration Date

2.6. Unit Added

2.6.1. 1 or null

2.7. Paid Subscription

2.7.1. 1 or null

3. Sprints

3.1. August 20th - 21st

3.1.1. Planning August 19th

3.1.2. Welcome Email

3.1.3. Custom Fields to Curt

3.2. August 21st - 25th

3.2.1. Planning August 20th

3.2.2. Welcome Email Revisions

3.3. August 25th - 27th

3.3.1. Property Manger LP

3.4. Sept 2 -4

3.4.1. Homepage Iteration

3.4.2. Features Page Copy

3.5. Sept 5-8

3.5.1. Pricing + FAQ copy

3.5.2. Better Landlording Articles

3.6. Sept 9-11

3.6.1. Finalize Design Pricing + FAQ's

3.6.2. Round 2 Homepage Copy (Friday)

3.6.3. Launch 2.0 on 9/15

3.7. Sept 12 -17

3.7.1. Design Tour

3.7.2. Round 2 Copy for Tour

3.7.3. Launch 3.0 on 9/19

3.8. Sept 22-24

3.8.1. Design Blog https://signalvnoise.com/ http://chapterthree.com/blog http://www.landlordology.com/ Add landlording forms packet secondary offer: http://kriscarr.com/resources/ Include Resources Topic

3.8.2. Our Story

3.8.3. Authorize Bing

3.9. Oct 7

3.9.1. Launch CMS + Blog

3.9.2. 404 Page

3.9.3. How NOT to Collect Rent (Part 1 - 3)

3.9.4. Add internal links to pages

3.10. Oct 16

3.10.1. Mobile Menu + View

3.10.2. Request an invite with just an email address

3.11. Backlog

3.11.1. Collections - features + how it works Rent Reminder

3.11.2. Maintenance - features + how it works

3.11.3. Leasing - features + how it works

3.11.4. No Unit Email

3.11.5. quotes and praise

3.11.6. Interested, but on the run? Remind me to check this out later.

3.11.7. Landlording Forms Packet Move in Move Out Inspections

3.11.8. Comparison Chart

3.11.9. Technical SEO Build more backlinks They are like letters of recommendation for your website Extend domain registration Fix links Google+ page

3.11.10. Social Media

3.11.11. Book

3.11.12. Sara Illustrations

3.11.13. Shareability

3.11.14. Newsletter - pop up after 10 seconds

3.11.15. Visited second page - Ready for trial?

4. Site Map

4.1. Value Prop. Automated assistant property manager—Sara

4.2. Tour or Features or What’s Included or Services

4.2.1. Collections - features + how it works

4.2.2. Maintenance - features + how it works

4.2.3. Leasing - features + how it works

4.2.4. Meet Bob Video

4.3. Pricing + FAQs

4.4. Comparison Chart - Do-it-Yourself Landlording versus Hiring a Property Manager

4.5. Property Manager Frustration

4.6. Better Landlording (Blog and Educational Content)

4.6.1. How to do better collections – future rent reminder

4.6.2. How to provide better Service

4.6.3. How to get it rented faster with better tenants

4.6.4. Setting up clear communicaiton channels Article #2 - Setting up clear tenant-landlord communication channels

4.6.5. How to establish your rental property as a business in both yours and their minds

4.7. Our Story