Responsibilities of an Athletic Trainer

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Responsibilities of an Athletic Trainer により Mind Map: Responsibilities of an Athletic Trainer

1. Treatment, Rehabilitation, and Reconditioning

1.1. Designing Rehab Programs

1.1.1. Work with physician

1.1.2. Change if necessary

1.2. Supervising Rehabilitation Programs

1.2.1. Correct motions

1.2.2. Patient feedback

1.3. Incorporating Therapeutic Modalities

1.3.1. Cryotherapy

1.3.2. Thermotherapy

1.3.3. Electrical Stimulation

1.4. Offering Psychosocial Intervention

1.4.1. Emotional support

1.4.2. Setting achievable goals

2. Organization and administration

2.1. Record Keeping

2.2. Ordering Equipment and Supplies

2.3. Supervising Personal

3. Professional Responsibilities

3.1. Continuing Education

3.1.1. Workshops

3.1.2. Seminars

3.1.3. Conferences

3.2. Educator

3.2.1. Athletic Training Students

3.2.2. General Public

3.2.3. Athletes

3.3. Counselor

3.4. Research

3.4.1. Research studies

3.4.2. Reading research

3.4.3. Keep up with current studies

4. Prevention

4.1. Pre participation Physical Examinations (PPE)

4.1.1. Baseline measures Blood Pressure Pulse Respirations Eye sight Height Weight

4.1.2. Preexisting conditions Diseases History of injury Current Medications Allergies

4.2. Developing Training and Conditioning Programs

4.2.1. Strength Training

4.2.2. Conditioning

4.3. Minimize Safety Hazards

4.3.1. Playing surface

4.3.2. Equipment

4.3.3. Shoes/Uniforms

4.3.4. Monitor weather

4.4. Selecting, Fitting, and Maintaining Protective Equiptment

4.4.1. Taping

4.4.2. Braces

4.4.3. Pads

4.4.4. Mouth guards

4.4.5. Helmets

4.5. Explaining the Importance of Diet and Lifestyle Choices

4.5.1. Nutrients

4.5.2. Hydration

4.5.3. Sleep

4.5.4. Supplements

4.6. Using Medications Appropriately

4.6.1. Education

4.6.2. Following prescription

5. Evaluation and Diagnosis

5.1. Understanding the Pathology of Injury and Illness

5.1.1. Signs and Symptoms

5.1.2. Common Mechanisms of Injury

5.1.3. Predisposing conditions

5.2. Referring to Medical Care

5.2.1. Emergency

5.2.2. Physician

5.2.3. Medical Imaging

5.3. Referring to Support Services

6. Immediate care

6.1. On-the-field injury assessment

6.2. Emergency Care

6.2.1. AEDs

6.2.2. CPR/First Aid

6.2.3. Emergency Action Plans (EAP)