The Problem Your best friend is getting very possessive over you and won't allow you to associate...

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The Problem Your best friend is getting very possessive over you and won't allow you to associate with other people. They are now making you choose between them and your other friends. What do you do? により Mind Map: The Problem Your best friend is getting very possessive over you and won't allow you to associate with other people. They are now making you choose between them and your other friends. What do you do?

1. List of Alternatives: -Stop hanging out with your friends all together --Hang out with just your best friend exclusively -Hang out with just your other friends exclusively -Talk to a trusted adult for advice and support -Suggest that all of your friends hang out together

2. Evaluate the Results Your friend should have heard what you were trying to say and accepted it. You might have had to make some compromises, for example, you hang out with some of your friends on one particular day, and then your best friend on another, but the conflict should be resolved in a way that everyone is happy. If they can't accept that, then you will know they are not someone who you want in your life and rather a person who just wants to control you. You will be better off without them and your life will probably change in a drastic way if they are gone and that is the case. You learnt from this experience that you can manage your friendships and everyone's needs and wants simultaneously. You also know now that you have too much self-respect to be bossed around. If you could do this experience over again, you would consult your other friends and let them know how your best friend feels.

3. Consider the Consequences: -If you decide to hang out with your other friends exclusively, then you will have lost your best friend who you enjoy spending time with. However, if they are trying to control you, you shouldn't want them in your life. -If you hang out with only your best friend, you are blocking out many other valuable people in your life and sending them the wrong message. However, your best friend is the only person who you really need. -If you suggest that all of your friends hang out together, it might cause some conflict between them and they might stop wanting to be friends with you. However, if it turns out well you will be able to keep your group of friends. -If you stop hanging out with all of your friends, your best friend will be angry at you and your other friends will be confused as to why you stopped hanging out with them. Also, you will have lost all the people you like hanging out with although you won't be faced with this issue anymore. -Though an adult might provide some guidance as to what to do in this situation, if your best friend find out you told, a whole new problem would arise. Also, it's not solving any real problems, and the adult you talk to might not provide you with the right information.

4. Identify Your Values Your friends are the people whose company you enjoy. They are all important to you and the last thing you want to do is hurt their feelings by abandoning them. With that said, you have more self-respect than to allow someone to boss you around and try to control your life.

5. Decide and Act Firstly, confront your best friend and calmly tell you how you feel. Let them know that it is unacceptable to tell you who to be friends with because you are capable of making your own decisions. If they object, simply explain to them that they are a person who you value and you don't want to lose a friendship with, but if they can't respect the fact that you have more than one friend, you will have no choice other than to stop hanging out with them. Be sure to take their feelings into consideration, too. They are probably feeling very jealous and decided you haven't been devoting enough time to them. Remind them you are here for them and you are their best friend no matter what the circumstances, but hanging out with other people in no way deteriorates your friendship.