Define the Problem You accidentally break your friend's computer without them knowing.

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Define the Problem You accidentally break your friend's computer without them knowing. により Mind Map: Define the Problem You accidentally break your friend's computer without them knowing.

1. Explore the Alternatives Take the blame Blame someone else Act like you didn't know what happened Forget about it Pay for it

1.1. Consider the Consequences Your friend might get really mad at you Your friend might get really mad at another person who didn't do it Your friend tells his parents and they get really mad at him Your friend might lose trust in you Your friend might forgive you

1.1.1. Identify Your Values Honesty - Tell him you did it and/or pay for it Confidence - Do you have the guts to tell him? To tell that you didn't do it Trustworthy - You might lose your sense of trust Friendship - You might lose a valuable friend Decide and Act You wait for your friend to return and you tell him what happened. You then go to your parents, tell them the situation and get the money to pay for it and give it to him. Evaluate the Results Your friend is mad at you, but forgives you for being honest. He tells his parents what happened and they forgive you. Next time: Don't do the things you were doing. Don't hesitate to tell him Tell his parents too