Criteria To Use in Selecting Your Ideal Web Hosting Provider

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Criteria To Use in Selecting Your Ideal Web Hosting Provider により Mind Map: Criteria To Use in  Selecting Your Ideal Web Hosting Provider

1. Disk Space

2. Monthly Backups

3. FTP Support

3.1. how many FTP accounts?

3.2. how easy to setup?

4. Support for Perl, PHP, MySQL

5. Support for your CMS

5.1. Wordpress

5.2. MovableType

5.3. Drupal

5.4. etc

6. Email Management and Features

6.1. email management interface

6.2. number of email inboxes you can create

6.3. spam filtering

7. Guaranteed Uptime

7.1. at least 99%

8. Customer Support

8.1. phone

8.2. email

8.3. chat

8.4. which days and times?

8.4.1. what time zone?

9. Monthly Bandwidth

10. Monthly Payments

10.1. not yearly ones

11. Money-back Guarantee

12. Ease of Use and Features for Admin CP (Control Panel)

13. Online Reputation

13.1. what do others say about this company?

14. Log File Analysis