Cleanliness and Handwashing

Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

登録は簡単!. 無料です
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Cleanliness and Handwashing により Mind Map: Cleanliness and Handwashing

1. Sanitation

1.1. People who use animal waste to fertilize their soil need to clean anything that handle the waste to prevent illness.

1.2. 3.4 million people, mostly children, die from diseases associated with inadequate water supply, sanitation, and hygiene.

1.2.1. 3.4 million people mostly children die

1.2.2. Included

1.2.3. Excluded

2. Issues with people not washing their hands enough

2.1. Hospital patients aren't washing their hands often enough which will cause more people to pick up germs when being hospitalized.

2.1.1. Healthcare providers aren't washing their hands enough. Estimated 2.5 million patients in the U.S. develop heath-care issues.

3. Cleanliness and handwashing needs to be addressed

3.1. Because washing your hands and staying clean will reduce diarrheal and respiratory illnesses.

3.1.1. When employees don't wash their hands it's one of the most effective ways germs are spread mainly in the food services.

4. Product

4.1. When people or employees go to the restroom they have to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds. If they don't they will not be able to leave the restroom because there is a sensor on the door that is attached to the sink

4.1.1. It addresses the needs for cleanliness and handwashing by reducing the number of illnesses that will happen when people don't wash their hands and spread the germs around