Leadership for Peer Coaching

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Leadership for Peer Coaching により Mind Map: Leadership for Peer Coaching

1. What is Pedagogical Content Knowledge?

1.1. Challenges of Teaching with Technology

1.1.1. Constantly changing

1.1.2. Unstable

1.1.3. Teachers are unprepared to use technology properly and effectively

1.1.4. No "1 size fits all" fix to use tech - everyone needs to be creative and flexible

1.2. Technology

1.2.1. constantly evolving

1.2.2. How to best use technology to enhance learning

1.3. Pedagogical

1.3.1. what it takes to be an effective teacher

1.3.2. know your content, know your learners and develop the best way to deliver the content

1.4. Content

1.4.1. deep knowledge of subject matter

1.4.2. Using technology to improve learning - choosing the right tool for the job

1.5. TPACK IS...

1.5.1. "the basis of effective teaching with technology"

1.5.2. "requiring an understanding of the representation of concepts using technologies"

1.5.3. "pedogogical techniques that use technology in CONSTRUCTIVE ways to teach content"

1.5.4. "knowledge of what amkes content difficult or easy to learn adn how tech can help redress problems students face:

1.5.5. "knowledge of students prior skills"

1.5.6. "knowledge of how technology can be used to build on existing knowlegdge"

2. Technology, Community and Coaching

2.1. Problem: Teachers do not know how to effectively use tech in the classroom

2.1.1. Solution: Coaches + Community of Learning creates and Social learning = Teachers experience technology as an effective tool to enhance learning

2.2. The new age of technology - What's changed

2.2.1. Kids spend 7+ hours in front of a screen

2.2.2. Social media for learning is now acceptable

2.2.3. Many new, youthful teachers (<5 yrs. experience) are in the schools (approx. >50%)

2.3. Professional learning in using technology for teaching needs to increase

2.3.1. Enhanced system to save districts $ = TECHNOLOGY COACHES Districts need to take advantage of PD in coaching, community and technology support Coach in teams so coaches are the network communicators Teachers are more likely to incorporate technology if they have a coach and personal team to collaborate with. Coaches tailor support, assess teachers progress, use interviews and surveys, and have follow up visits. Coaches must incorporate: Context, Relevance, and Ongoing support

2.4. PLC community's offer instant support, feedback and the use of new tools and references.

2.5. 3 Coaching Models

2.5.1. Cognitive Coaching Constant learning and growing knowledge Reshape thinking and problem solving capacities

2.5.2. Instructional Coaching Focus on teaching practices that have positive effect on the way teachers teach and the way students learn Use the Big 4: Classroom Management, Content Planning, Instruction and Assessment Hands on involvement to work directly or in small groups and cater to those teachers strengths 7 Practices to empower and integrate teaching practices 1. Enroll - teacher choses whether or not to collborate with the coach 2. Identify - teacher chooses teaching practice to learn with the coach 3. Explain - teacher and coach agree upon stategy, obligations and checklist 4. Modeling - teacher models "new strategy" 5. Observe - coach observes teacher with "new strategy" 6. Explore - teacher is encouraged to improve new strategy and branch out to new ones 7. Refine - new strategy becomes comfortable with teacher

2.5.3. Peer Coaching Peers are trained to work with peers to incorporate using technology in the classroom. Collaboration is key between colleagues 1. Assess, 2. Set Goals, 3. Prepare, 4. Implement Activities, 5. Analyze and Debrief

2.6. Top 10 Tips

2.6.1. 1. Learning with technology is more important than learning about technology.

2.6.2. 2. Relevance wins

2.6.3. 3. Keep millenials in mind - develop strategies for all types of teachers

2.6.4. 4. Relationships matter

2.6.5. 5. Be inclusive

2.6.6. 6. Trust the process

2.6.7. 7. Share your progress

2.6.8. 8. Make the most of your time.

2.6.9. 9. Take technology mainstream

2.6.10. 10. Leverage the world

3. Partnership Learning

3.1. Jim Knight - Partnership learning

3.1.1. 1. communicating as an EXPERT = resistance - need to come together at the same level

3.1.2. 2. Teachers need to think creatively to apply how this content can apply to their teaching

3.2. Fieldbook

3.2.1. 6 Principles 1. Equality - become an equal, tread lightly, convey options for many without forcing, value everyone's opinion 2. Choices - give a choice they will follow, force it = strong resistance 3. Voice - encourage opinions and discussions, it may open more doors, remember to LISTEN 4. Reflection - guide them and let them come up with their own conclusions 5. Dialogue - If 1-5 are established, discussion and exploration of new ideas begin with no apparent leader of the group - everyone is equal 6. Praxis - application of new idea in their own views and teaching - how it fits for them.

3.2.2. Question Recipes Open ended and non judmental Create conversation flow Examples Tell us more about... How do you see this working... What are some other ways of looking at this...

3.2.3. Reflective Learning: "How can I use these new ideas?" immediate opportunity to explore praxis small group discussion, allow choice, keep directions short and simple

4. NETS-C eBook

4.1. Chart on pg. 3 - Changes in learning strategies and how tech coaches can assist

4.1.1. Build relationships, assess learner needs (differentiated), goals, support, monitoring (data), celebrate successes!

4.2. Key componenets for effective tech for learning pg. 4

4.2.1. Shared vision, tech support, empowered leaders, curriculum framework, implentation planning, student centered learning, assessment/evaluation, funding, engaged communities, access, policies, skilled personnel, PD

4.3. To achieve NETS goals - classrooms must transform to student centered, performance based settings where students are engaged in collaborative, authentic, real world projects

4.4. Collaboration is KEY!

4.5. NETS-C functions

4.5.1. Hellp admin lead with tech training and support

4.5.2. coach teachers in best teaching, learning and assessment

4.5.3. create supportive environments

4.5.4. design PD and promote digital citizenship

4.5.5. constantly developing self

4.6. All NETS must work together (coaches, admins, tech directors and teachers) to turn the focus to STUDENT LEARNING!

4.7. GOAL: To maximize learning for children and adolescents

4.7.1. To create your organizations goals: Get support! Evaluate how tech supports standards through your curriculums Review NETS-C to determine standards addressed or need to be addressed

4.8. Rubric for Visionary Leadership

4.8.1. David Beard's tech approach

4.8.2. Use leadership at multiple levels to filter knowledge down (tech coaches as teachers assisting teachers, high flying students gaining skills and assist peers in the classroom.

4.9. Teaching, Learning and Assessments - Coaching from the Classroom

4.9.1. Adam Taylor's approach through Twitter Assigns students scientists to follow on Twitter, arranges real time chats w/ scientiststo bring real life discussions into the classroom

4.10. Digital Age Learning Environments

4.10.1. Maria Fernando - tech facilitator to provide testing, evaluating and appropriate technologies for teachers to use Find technologies for students and teachers to use to enhance lessons to support HOTS

4.11. Professional Development & Program Eval

4.11.1. Olusola Dawadu - designs, delivers and evaluates tech related professional learning for teachers in Nigeria Consultation company to assist teachers in effectively adding technology into their classrooms to promote HOTS

4.12. Digital Citizenship

4.12.1. Geri Kimoto - librarian who coaches students when they need support to sue safe, legal and ethical technology practices Use real time to teach the skills so immediate application and understanding of skills occurs

4.13. Content Knowledge and Professional Growth

4.13.1. Jill Brown - tech director who spends most of her time coaching - has been at all levels of education Self study, ongoing PD attributes to her expertise

5. Development of Virtual Tech Coach to Support Tech Integration for K-12

5.1. Based off a virtual tech course survey of 60 teachers

5.2. Collaboration, Discussion, Learning and Sharing = MOST VALUABLE TOOLS

5.3. Tech Coach:

5.3.1. creates a non-confrontational environment

5.3.2. nutures professional learning community for teachers

5.4. VIRTUAL Tech Coach

5.4.1. Goal to assist in providing an online professional development experience and forma a learning community

5.4.2. Sidesteps budget restraints

5.4.3. Top rated coach resources *Sharing, *Learning, *Collaboration, Techincal, *Discussion, News, Profile