Forces and Structures

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Forces and Structures により Mind Map: Forces and Structures

1. External force

1.1. Point of application

1.1.1. where force is applied on the structure

1.2. plane of application

1.2.1. the angle of where force is applied in this case, it is a 90 degree angle as you can see

1.3. mangitude

1.3.1. the speed of the object impacting an object in this example, a car goes too fast so it has lots of damage to it

1.4. direction

1.4.1. direction is push or pull force push pull

2. Centre of gravity

2.1. center of gravity is the point of balance of an object.

2.1.1. lower COG cog closer to the bottom

2.1.2. Higher COG cog closer to the top

3. Form and function

3.1. Form is how the mold of the structure looks like

3.1.1. Gherkin is a asparagus frames structure in London,england

3.1.2. The school is a rectangular shaped building.

3.2. Function is how the structure works

3.2.1. A water bottle can hold water and people can drink from it

3.2.2. A pencil can write words on paper

4. Internal forces

4.1. internal forces is caused by a external force. it can either rip or destroy an object.

4.1.1. commpression push an object together

4.1.2. tension pull apart

4.1.3. sheer rip or break apart

4.1.4. torsion twist

5. Type of structures

5.1. types of structures are structures based on there shape (frame, solid, e.t.c.)

5.1.1. A crane is a example of a frame structure uses skeleton like design, it has very strong material

5.1.2. Solid strong structure thats not hollow and made up of strong material

5.1.3. Shell usually hollow and have a curved shape on the top

5.1.4. Combination Structure all 3 combined together

6. Loads

6.1. static load

6.1.1. static load are 2 forces, dead and live load dead load dead load is caused by the force of gravity live load created by power of gravity on articles upheld by the structure

6.2. dynamic load

6.2.1. a load that can change rapidly

7. New node

7.1. Att