My Interests

Create a Market Plan for introducing a new product or brand

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My Interests により Mind Map: My Interests

1. Go-Kart Racing

1.1. Engines

1.1.1. New Engine Preparation Company

1.2. Chassis

1.2.1. New Chassis Brand: Shadow

1.3. Driver Development

1.3.1. Top Kart Driver Development Team

1.4. Helmets

1.4.1. Helmet Painting Company

2. Cars

2.1. Engines

2.1.1. New Gas Efficient V10 Engine

2.2. Aerodynamics

2.2.1. New Body for Cars

2.3. New Car Company

2.3.1. "?" Motorsports

3. Astronomy

3.1. Stars

3.1.1. Make a telescope that can see way farther into the universe.

3.2. Planets

3.2.1. Make a ship that can go deeper into the universe

3.3. Galaxies

3.3.1. Make a new telescope

4. Running

4.1. Shoes

4.1.1. Fast, New, Comfortable Material To Make New Running Shoes

4.2. Sports Appearal

4.2.1. New Shirts and Shorts that make running comfortable and quick

4.3. Make a new company called Lightning

4.3.1. Make my own shoes and put them up on the market