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My Style により Mind Map: My Style

1. I will make my workspace pretty!

2. Visual

2.1. I will create Mind Maps to help with brainstorming ideas.

2.2. I will use bright colors to highlight ideas.

3. In the online learning world, being a kinesthetic, active and visual learner will bring challenges. However, if I do these simple strategies, I believe I will be more successful.

4. Resources and References

4.1. Mindmeister.com

4.2. Felder & Soloman: Learning Styles and Strategies

4.3. Week 3 Lesson Plan: What's My Style

5. I prefer pictures and diagrams.

6. Active

6.1. I will participate in forums and the student lounge.

6.2. I will jump right into the assignments.

7. Kinesthetic

7.1. I will take frequent breaks.

7.1.1. I will dress up my workspace!

8. Hands on Learning.

9. Prefer action over reflection.