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poetry により Mind Map: poetry

1. forms

1.1. haiku

1.1.1. japanese poem that has only three lines. the first and third lines have 5 syllables and the second one has 7.

1.2. tanka

1.2.1. japanese poem that has only 5 lines. The first and third have 5 syllables and the second, fourth and fifth have 7.

1.3. sonnet

1.3.1. Poem that expresses a thought or idea. It is 14 lines long and are mostly written in iambic pentameter. Has a definite rhyme scheme.There are two types.

1.4. villanelle

1.4.1. It is 19 lines long. has a definite rhyme scheme. Line 1 is repeated on lines 6,12 and 18. Line 3 is repeated on lines 9, 15 and 19.

1.5. free verse

1.5.1. Form of poetry with no definite rhyme scheme, no definite meter pattern or musical pattern. It usually mimics natural speech.

2. characteristics

2.1. metaphor

2.1.1. Figure of speech that involves comparing two things that are not directly connected with ought the use of the words as or like.

2.2. simile

2.2.1. Figure of speech that involves comparing two things using the words as or like.

2.3. personification

2.3.1. Giving human characteristics to something non-human.

2.4. hyperbole

2.4.1. The exaggeration of statements or claims. It is not meant to be taken literally.

2.5. alliteration

2.5.1. The repetition of a letter or sound in the same sentence or closely connected words.

3. types

3.1. narrative

3.1.1. tells a story, has a plot, characters and a setting

3.2. dramatic

3.2.1. expresses the authors feelings, thoughts and opinions

3.3. lyric

3.3.1. paints an image so you can imagine it. does not tell a story and it shows the authors feelings and thoughts