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Bolsheviks により Mind Map: Bolsheviks

1. Russian Revolution

1.1. After the October Revolution, they refused to share power with other revolutionary groups except for the Left Socialists

2. Russian Social-Democratic Workers Party

2.1. Made up of two wings

2.1.1. Bolsheviks

2.1.2. Mensheviks

2.2. Lenin splits the Russian Social-Democratic Workers Party

3. Leon Trotsky

3.1. First supported the Mensheviks but left after insisting that they made peace with Russian Liberals and oppose Lenin

4. Marxism

4.1. Is a worldview and method of societal analysis that focuses on class relations and societal conflict

5. Leninism

5.1. Is the body of political theory for the democratic organisation of a revolutionary vanguard party

6. Trotskyism

6.1. Is a form of marxism made by Leon Trotsky

7. History of the Party

7.1. Bolsheviks means One of the Majority

7.2. Led by Vladimir Lenin

7.3. Seized control of Russia’s government in October of 1917

7.4. Group was one of the two wings in the Russian Social-Democratic Workers Party

7.5. Lenin’s followers wanted the membership of the party to be only professional revolutionaries

7.6. Bolsheviks insisted on a highly centralized, disciplined, professional party

7.6.1. Boycotted the elections in Russian Parliament

7.6.2. Refused to cooperate with the government and other political parties

7.6.3. Methods of having revenue were denied by Mensheviks

7.7. Became increasingly popular among urban workers and soldiers in Russia after the February Revolution

7.8. Had the majority of both St. Petersburg and Moscow Soviets

7.9. When they overthrew the Provisional Government, the Congress of Soviets allowed them to officialy take over the government

7.10. Changed their name to Russian Communist Party to then the All-Union Communist Party and then to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

8. Vladimir Lenin

8.1. Splits the Russian Social-Democratic Workers Party

8.2. Demanded immediate peace and that the Soviets assume power

9. Mensheviks

9.1. Mensheviks meaning Those of the Minority