Ethics and the college student

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Ethics and the college student により Mind Map: Ethics and the college student

1. 2. College students' perceive ethics instruction, and those who teach it, to be relevant and beneficial in shaping their own ethical behaviors.

2. 3. The use of technology has an impact on college ethics since it is easier to cheat in online/hybrid classes and when some kind of technology is used in a course.

3. 5. Faculty recognize the importance of their actions as role models for students. They understand that they can have an impact on students' behaviors as they face ethical issues in the campus environment.

4. 4. Over the last decade, there has been a positive change in the ethical attitudes of business students.

5. There is a note in the first bubble of my outline that cites my updated sources. I believe all of my sources are scholarly and credible because I have read through them thoroughly. I also received them through the APUS Library.

6. 8. There are plenty of ways to prevent plagiarism, but first and foremost, knowing what plagiarism is will help prevent it. • to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own • to use (another's production) without crediting the source • to commit literary theft • to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source

7. 1. Ethics assists individuals in deciding when an act is moral or immoral, right or wrong. Ethics can be grounded in natural law, religious tenets, parental and family influence, educational experiences, life experiences, and cultural and societal expectations

8. 6. A study at a school of pharmacy in Canada has shown that more than 80% of the students answering the questionnaire have participated in academic dishonesty at one point and time. This confirms the widespread suspicions that academic dishonesty takes place in higher learning.

9. 7. In academic settings there has always been a problem with cheating. With easier access to technology and students feeling pressured to do well to get into good schools, cheating has become an epidemic.