Should we restrict immigration and practice exclusion?

1. WHY RESTRICT IMMIGRATION? Firstly, for cultural preservation. Restricting immigration is a way to preserve national culture. Our culture, built within centuries, is a fragile entity and needs to be protected. Also, humans belong to different cultures and these cultures should not be mixed. Otherwise, they might end up seriously eroded. Take language as an example. What if language is degraded by immigration? Or violence? Or religion? The second argument states the right of self-determina...

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Should we restrict immigration and practice exclusion? により Mind Map: Should we restrict immigration  and practice exclusion?

1. 4. Why should we promote "open borders"?

1.1. 1. Egalitarian considerations

1.1.1. Fair opportunity

1.2. 2. Freedom considerations

1.2.1. Freedom of movement

1.3. 3. Democratic considerations

1.3.1. Human rights

2. Sources

2.1. Alexander Guerrero

2.1.1. Revolutionary Ideas: An Introduction to Legal and Political Philosophy University of Pennsylvania Coursera 2014

2.2. View More on


3. Read Our Post

4. Introduction

4.1. Data

4.1.1. 216 million immigrants = 3.2 % of the world population

4.1.2. Source World Bank 2010

4.2. It is always a fragment of the population

4.2.1. So can it be a real issue?

5. 1. Why restrict immigration?

5.1. 1. Cultural preservation

5.1.1. It is to preserve national culture

5.1.2. It is necessary to restrict immigration to preserve a culture

5.2. 2. To respect the right of self-determination

5.2.1. The national community has a right to self-govern

5.2.2. This right includes the right to exclude

5.3. 3. To preserve the economy

5.3.1. Gut feeling "Takes our jobs" "Drives the wages down"

6. 2. Does immigration restriction need moral justification?

6.1. 1. A lot of people suffer from these restrictions rules

6.2. 2. To whom does the land belong?

6.3. 3. Are we not all immigrants?

7. 3. Arguments against the "restricting immigration" ideas

7.1. 1. Cultural preservation

7.1.1. 1. The existence claim Is there a national culture?

7.1.2. 2. The threat claim Why does immigration pose a threat to that culture?

7.1.3. 3. The justification claim Is preserving national culture an adequate moral justification for restricting immigration?

7.2. 2. To respect the right of self-determination

7.2.1. Are we not building an egocentric society then?

7.2.2. Can a democracy act as a private club?

7.2.3. What if tomorrow "I am" the one to be excluded for any reason?

7.3. 3. To preserve the econony

7.3.1. Economical studies show: Immigration increases wages Has a positive effect on employment Opening borders increases the GDP