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The Athlete により Mind Map: The Athlete

1. Negitive Reinforcement

2. increases behaviors by stopping or reducing negative stimuli, such as shock. A negative reinforcer is anything that, when removed after a response, strengthens the response. increases behaviors by stopping or reducing negative stimuli, such as shock. A negative reinforcer is anything that, when removed after a response, strengthens the response.

2.1. Andrew feels as if he has to win to gain the approve of his father. If he doesn't win he losses his fathers attention and respect. He tries to win at everything he does.

3. Explict Memory

3.1. memories of facts and personal events that you can consciously retrieve.memories of facts and personal events that you can consciously retrieve.

3.1.1. When Andrew is talking to about bullying the kid, he starts crying because he remembers the horrible thing he did. That event will always follow him around for the rest of his life because it is in his memory.

4. Social-Emotional Development

4.1. Authoritarain

4.1.1. Sets many rules and closely monitors but offers little to no support Andrews dad was strick about athletics so he could WIN and receive a scholarship for wresting, His dad is not warm in his responsive to Andrew.

5. Social-Cognitive Prespective

5.1. Self-efficancy

5.1.1. Our sence of being competent and effective in shaping our future Andrews dad is trying to shape his future for the life he wants him to have and doesn't think about what Andrew really wants.

6. Moral Development

6.1. Conformity and Law and Order

6.1.1. Conformity:Members ideas and actions might conform to a group Law and Order: Moral desires are justifiable by law or rules. When the group starts to smoke put, at first Andrew was against it because it is illegal but once everyone started to smoke he decided to join in to fit in and not be left out.

7. Learning

8. Social Psychology

8.1. Behavioral (learning)

8.1.1. All behaviors and mental processes are due to out personal history or rewards and punishments. Being a wrestler Andrew learned that fighting back give rewards, He also learned from his father and coach to stand up for himself. When Bender and Andrew are yelling at each other, Andrew feels obligated to fight back.

9. Forming an emotional reaction or attitude that is the opposite of one's threatening or unacceptable actual

9.1. Andrew believed his dad was disappointing in him because he never cut back. So Andrew decided to tape a classmates buttocks together because he though he was weak.

10. Psychoanalytic Perspective

10.1. reaction formation

11. Humanistic Perspective

11.1. Empathy

11.1.1. One's ability to recognize, perceive, and directly experience the emotions of others When Brain was talking about trying to kill himself, Andrew felt bad and tried to understand his situation. Also, When Allison was talking about how her parents do not care, he tried to find out what was wrong.