Personality and Development unit

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Personality and Development unit により Mind Map: Personality and Development unit

1. The Id

1.1. Unconscious psychic energy, first and most primitive part of the personality. Wants instant gratification for our wants and needs.

1.1.1. During the movie Bender only reacts according to his id. When he is bored he decided that he wants to smoke marijuana. Even though it was dangerous and would get him and his group in trouble. But, his id wanted instant gratification.

2. Authoritarian

2.1. An authoritarian is a parent who sets many rules and closely monitors but offers little support.

2.1.1. Benders father made Bender clean and paint the entire garage. When he messed up and spilled paint he was beaten by his father.

3. Diffusion

3.1. Diffusion is mode of orientation in which a person has not yet thought about or resolved identity issues and failed to chart direction in life.

3.1.1. We see that Bender doesn't know what he wants to do. His teacher tells him that in five years he will be a failure. And he may be because he hasn't explored or resolved his identity issues.

4. Invincibility Fable

4.1. Belief that he is invisible and no harm will ever come to him no matter what happens around him.

4.1.1. During the movie Bender agitates Andrew and keeps on begging for a fight. Andrew is obviously much more muscular and is good at wrestling and yet Bender still pushes for a fight believing he could not loose.

5. Regression

5.1. Regression is reverting to acting in a child like manor. Instead of a responsible adult.

5.1.1. Throughout the movie we see Bender acting like a child. When he is in trouble he decides to do drugs. When the teacher gives him a extra Saturday detention he digs his heels in and acts disrespectful. Leading him to get even more Saturday detention.

6. The Criminal John Bender

6.1. Spillover effect

6.1.1. The spillover effect is when you allow your emotions in one thing spill over into other aspects of your life. Like when you get yelled at by your parents and then you yell at your younger sibling. Bender shows the spill over effect because he lets his anger in other things influence the group. When he is angry and frustrated at the teacher he takes his anger out on other people. When he is happy he is fun and makes the people around him laugh.

6.2. Role playing

6.2.1. Role playing is the idea that when given roles we act to complete those roles. When made a team captain you act responsible to act to your role. Bender has a role. Granted not a very good one. But his role is to be the mess up. As the athlete says, "You could disappear forever and no one would notice." So he accepts this as reality and decides to act according to this role. By smoking and arguing with teachers. His role is leading him to his downfall.

6.3. Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE)

6.3.1. We overestimate the influence of personality and underestimate the influence of situation. When a child fails a test a teacher may think it is because he is lazy. It actually be that his family just told him about the death of a family member. We see this in Bender. People overestimate how much of his actions are by his personality. When he is arguing with the teacher he keeps getting extra detentions. The teacher assumes this is because he is rude. When much more likely he does it because it is better than being stuck with an abusive father.