Social Movements and Women's Rights

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Social Movements and Women's Rights により Mind Map: Social Movements and Women's Rights

1. Social Movements

1.1. Common Fire

1.1.1. Connection, complexity, compassion, courage

1.2. Organization

1.3. Oppression

1.4. Actions

1.4.1. Protest, boycott

1.5. Leadership

1.6. Community

1.7. Conviction

1.8. Passion

1.9. Commitment

1.10. Human Rights

1.11. Change

1.11.1. Acts, laws, reguations in local, government or federal levels

2. Women's Rights

2.1. Women Activists

2.1.1. Rosie the Riveter

2.1.2. Rosa Parks

2.2. Oppression

2.3. Feminism

2.3.1. Equal rights for women

2.4. 3 waves of feminism

2.4.1. Independence

2.4.2. Working Women

2.4.3. Actions and protests

2.5. Equality

2.5.1. Equal pay

2.5.2. Equal opportunity

2.6. Discrimination

2.6.1. Sterotypes

2.6.2. Socially constructed gender roles

2.7. Women's Sufferage

2.7.1. Right to vote

2.7.2. 1920