Getting Your Practice Into the World

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Getting Your Practice Into the World により Mind Map: Getting Your Practice Into the World

1. Launch it: [Idea]

1.1. Idea Name

1.2. Idea Details

1.2.1. # of participants/clients

1.2.2. # weeks

1.2.3. Etc.

1.3. Price

1.3.1. Standard

1.3.2. Early Bird

1.4. Who is this idea for? (ideal client)

1.5. What problems does it solve? (intention)

1.6. What results does it create for your ideal client?

1.7. What do you want your clients to tell others about your idea when it's been delivered?

1.8. What people, technology, materials do you need to launch?

1.8.1. People

1.8.2. Technology/Process

1.8.3. Materials

1.9. When do you want to launch?

1.10. How are you going to market this baby?

1.10.1. Pre-launch

1.10.2. Launch

1.10.3. Almost-gone

1.10.4. Last Chance

2. Product, Program, Service, Class Ideas

2.1. Products

2.1.1. Idea #1 Details

2.1.2. Idea #2

2.1.3. Idea #3

2.2. Programs

2.3. Services

2.4. Classes

3. My ZYZ Statement

3.1. I help these people with these problems to create these results.

4. Destination

4.1. My thing is...

4.2. My people are...

4.3. I solve these problems...

4.4. So I can create these results...

5. I want to feel this way in my business

5.1. Feeling State #1

5.2. Feeling State #2

5.3. Feeling State #3