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Ray bradbury により Mind Map: Ray bradbury

1. Books

1.1. A sound of thunder

1.2. The Pedestrian

1.3. R is for Rocket

1.4. The Dragon

1.5. Frost and fire

1.6. Fever Dream

1.7. Fahrenheit 451

2. Family

2.1. Children

2.1.1. Bettina

2.1.2. Ramona

2.1.3. Susan

2.1.4. Alexandra

2.2. Spouse

2.2.1. Marguerite

2.3. Parents

2.3.1. Esther

2.3.2. Leaonard

3. childhood

3.1. August 22, 1920

3.2. Waukegan, Illinois

3.3. Decided to write at 12 or 13

3.4. Moved to LA in 1934

3.5. School's drama club

4. friends

4.1. best friend Ray harryausen

5. genre

5.1. American fantasy and horror

5.2. Rejected being categorized as science fiction

6. intrests

6.1. magic shows

6.2. science fiction