Educational IT - Strategy 2013-2020

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Educational IT - Strategy 2013-2020 により Mind Map: Educational IT - Strategy 2013-2020

1. Internationalisation

1.1. Create open and accessible degree programmes

1.2. Develop our range of online degree programmes and courses

2. 2014-15

2.1. Implementation of Blackboard

2.1.1. Digital competences

2.1.2. Personalisation - first step

2.2. Educational development

2.2.1. Competence Development Course

2.2.2. Working with faculty

3. Vision

3.1. ..increasing academic learning, study competences, and academic digital literacy

3.2. ..development of new forms of teaching and learning

3.3. Supporting open and inclusive degree programmes

3.4. ..attracting the best students and teachers

3.5. ..completing degree programmes on time

4. Forms of teaching and learning

4.1. Develop new forms of learning that are supported by technology (on campus)

4.2. Develop digital competences

4.3. Personalise the use of digital media in the form of "seamless" use of technology

5. Students and the interaction between teachers and students

5.1. Develop digital competences

5.2. Personalise the use of digital media in the form of "seamless" use of technology

5.3. Create new opportunities for knowledge sharing and cooperation across our degree programmes and teaching activities

5.4. Develop inclusive forms of teaching and learning