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World War II により Mind Map: World War II

1. Maths

1.1. Shape, space and measure

1.1.1. 3d shapes - nets Gas mask boxes

1.2. Number

1.3. Using and applying

2. Art

2.1. Mixing colours

2.1.1. London skyline

2.2. Modelling

2.2.1. Air raid shelter

2.2.2. Gas mask boxes

3. Music

3.1. WW2 songs - Vera Lynne etc.

4. Geography

4.1. European countries

5. P.E

6. D&T

6.1. Air Raid shelter

6.2. Gas mask boxes

7. English

7.1. Writing

7.1.1. Evacuee letters home

7.1.2. WW2 Blog

7.1.3. Evacuee ID tags - name and address

7.2. Reading

7.3. Listening

7.3.1. Goodnight Mister Tom audiobook

7.4. Speaking

7.4.1. AudioBoo diaries

7.4.2. Fotobabble pictures

8. Science

9. History

10. ICT

10.1. Record audio - AudioBoo/Fotobabble

10.2. Publishing - WW2 Blog

10.3. Finding information - using a search engine

10.4. New node

11. PSHE