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Me により Mind Map: Me

1. Personality Spectrum

1.1. High

1.1.1. Thinker

1.1.2. Giver

1.2. Low

1.2.1. Organizer

1.2.2. Adventurer

2. Interests

2.1. Swimming

2.2. Studying

2.3. Exercising at the gym

2.4. Applying critical thinking to everyday life

2.5. Playing the Flute

2.6. Giving back to my community

3. Best performing time of day

3.1. High

3.1.1. Early afternoon

3.1.2. Late afternoon

3.2. Low

3.2.1. Morning

3.2.2. Evening

4. Multiple Intelligences

4.1. High

4.1.1. Bodily-KInesthetic

4.1.2. Intrapersonal

4.1.3. Logical-Mathematical

4.1.4. Verbal-Linguistic

4.2. Low

4.2.1. Interpesonal

4.2.2. Naturalistic

4.2.3. Musical

4.2.4. Visual-Spatial

5. Preferred Teaching styles

5.1. Logical Presentation

5.2. Detailed presentation

5.3. Lecture with group discussion

6. How I study best

6.1. Using a planner to organize upcoming tasks

6.2. Rewrite or retype notes to engage "muscle memory"

6.3. Move while you learn; pace and recite

6.4. Imagine essays or experiments before beginning

6.5. Reflect on personal meaning of information

7. Group preferences

7.1. Preferred

7.1.1. Alone

7.1.2. 1-2 people

7.2. Not Preferred

7.2.1. Medium sized groups

7.2.2. Large sized groups