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Communication empathy map により Mind Map: Communication  empathy map

1. Hear

1.1. People recommend various services.

1.2. Salesmen try to deceive me.

1.3. Relatives say they'd like my help in dealing with technology.

1.4. I'd listen to my relatives' advice, but that depends on the person.

1.5. Salesmen bring out all the truth to me after just a couple of minutes.

2. See

2.1. It's hard to find something on the Internet.

2.2. There's too much noise on the Internet.

2.3. It's a pity that you cannot use home delivery for groceries.

2.4. The salesmen are easy to be brought into open.

2.5. You have to login too many times.

3. Pains

3.1. Tablets are not adapted for work tasks.

3.2. The quality of VOIP calls is not good enough to be usable by old persons in certain circumstances.

3.3. Some apps are too annoying.

3.4. It's hard to enter addresses on a phone.

3.5. Autocompletion could hurt.

3.6. Web shops don't allow me to 'touch' products.

3.7. It's not possible to buy groceries with home delivery.

4. Say&Do

4.1. I buy groceries every day in a local shop.

4.2. I call my relatives often.

4.3. I prefer national services.

4.4. I buy different phones every time.

4.5. I call my relatives often.

4.6. I chat to get to know what I need.

4.7. I use phones only for calling.

4.8. I often just browse without scope.

5. Think&Feel

5.1. I like movies.

5.2. I like speed.

5.3. I like to socialize.

5.4. People get fortunes by accident.

5.5. I really don't like annoying ads.

5.6. I don't trust updates.

5.7. I'd feel OK with any system.

5.8. I want to take decisions myself, even bad ones.

5.9. I don't like running around.

5.10. It's not easy to cheat me.

5.11. Products are either stolen or false.

5.12. I don't like multiple logins.

5.13. I don't want to trouble my relatives.

6. Gains

6.1. It'd be great if we had an app or device allowing to scan 'like in spy movies'.

6.2. The calling app should feel intimate enough.

6.3. It's great when things happen really fast.

6.4. It'd be great if a camera of a phone would be adapted for elderly health problems.

6.5. It's good when you can order groceries for a week without much hassle.