Who would be the audience for your product?

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Who would be the audience for your product? により Mind Map: Who would be the audience for your product?

1. Film certification and why.

1.1. 15 because whilst the film involves devastation and serious conventions, it isn't very scary and wouldn't frighten people.

1.2. Also, we took into consideration who took part in our survey and the average age to get our film certification.

2. What is the film certification of similar films and why?

2.1. 4:44 Last Day on Earth

2.1.1. Apocalyptic drama. R (for a scene of strong sexuality, nudity, language and some drug content)

2.2. Armageddon

2.2.1. Attempts to save the world from destruction due to an asteroid. 12. For sci-fi disaster action, sensuality and brief language

2.3. Deep Impact

2.3.1. Disaster film. Attempts to prepare for and destroy a massive comet which will cause Earth's destruction. PG-13. For intense disaster related elements and brief language

3. Who's the audience for the genre?

3.1. For a thriller, mainly the audience is for 16- 45. This is because thrillers often require a lot of thinking. Stereo-typically, young children will want action and adventure with little to think about, but with for instance explosions or happily ever afters.

3.2. Thrillers may also have an intense atmosphere that a young person will not enjoy, or find suitable.

3.3. The audience wouldn't like gore or scary features, so thia would be ideal for them.

4. Who is the audience for your hybrid/ sub genre?

4.1. The audience her may differ. This is because there are different conventions involved. With the ruling class element we have political side, which may look at an older audience.

4.2. But with the disaster and action, this may look at a younger audience. So, the product may appeal to a variety of people with different interest, thus expanding our audience.