Determining E-commerce Project
Omair Dawoodにより
1. Is the business a product or a service
1.1. Product
1.1.1. Does it need warehouseing
1.1.2. what kind of delivery is required
1.1.3. which all countries will it be catered to
1.2. Service
1.2.1. how will this service be delivered to the consumer
1.2.2. what will insure that the service is properly delivered without any tampering
2. Is this done by anyone else or is this a copied business model
2.1. copied
2.1.1. from whom
2.1.2. what makes your service better
2.1.3. how will you differentiate from existing companies
2.2. original
2.2.1. why has this not been done before
2.2.2. are there any obstacles that have to be overcome
2.2.3. how do you keep an original idea... original and not copied