Culturally Relevant Teaching & Diverse Learners

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Culturally Relevant Teaching & Diverse Learners により Mind Map: Culturally Relevant Teaching & Diverse Learners

1. Culture

1.1. Race

1.2. Religion

1.3. Food

1.4. Clothing

1.5. Likes/Dislikes

2. 3 Types of Learners

2.1. Kinesthetic

2.2. Auditory

2.3. Visual

3. Methods

3.1. Books

3.1.1. Must be culturally relevant and correct

3.1.2. Should stay away from negative stereotypes

3.1.3. A throughout analysis is required when picking culturally relevant reading material

3.2. Stereotype Threat

3.2.1. Students are afraid to fulfill a negative stereotype (An Asian student is afraid of performing well on a math test in fear of fulfilling the stereotype that all Asians are good at math)

3.3. Projects

3.3.1. Food Day: Students can bring in a recipe and food that is relevant to their culture

3.3.2. All About Me: Students have the opportunity to individually present culture to the entire class

4. Technology

4.1. Can use worldwide chats that encourage students to get in touch with students around the globe - a modern and effective technique

4.2. A teacher might also get into contact with a student from another country and schedule Skype sessions so students can ask them about their country in live time.

5. Teacher

5.1. A teacher should be aware of any personal bias in order to formulate an explanation of anything related to culture.

5.2. Cultural Blindness should be avoided at all costs. It may make students feel unimportant and irrelevant personally.

6. Student

6.1. Student participation is critical during large group discussion about culture

6.2. Students should dominate conversations otherwise the teacher begins to project their personal biases which could lead to confusion and lack of clarification.