Online Collaboration Lesson Plan

Plan your lessons and the goals of your lessons as well as including important content

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Online Collaboration Lesson Plan により Mind Map: Online Collaboration Lesson Plan

1. Notes

1.1. Acids and Bases Group Projects

1.2. Goals of Each Lesson

1.3. Objectives

1.3.1. To have groups first create a project about their acid or base theory

1.3.2. Then have the groups switch projects and try to improve each others work

1.4. Reasoning

1.4.1. It will help students begin to understand how the scientific community collaborates on documents when doing research

1.5. Content

1.5.1. Create a document using Google Documents and share it with your classmates and the teacher

1.6. Method of Instruction

1.6.1. Students will be taught about the types of acid-base theories and understand the fundamental concepts behind each theory. This project will help reinforce their understanding of the topic.

1.7. Method of Evaluation

1.7.1. Students will self assess their projects before they share them then reassess after their peers have improved on explaining each scientific theory. It will then be marked on a rubric by the teacher

2. Resources

2.1. Materials

2.1.1. Textbook about chemistry

2.1.2. Wikipedia

2.2. People

2.2.1. Teacher

2.2.2. Peers

2.3. Facilities

2.3.1. Computer Lab

2.3.2. Laptop Cart

2.3.3. Google Account

3. Objectives

3.1. From ICT Curriculum

3.1.1. Cognitive G-2.4 analyzes whether information collected from media sources is sufficient and/or suitable for purpose and audience C-3.1 adjusts communication based on self-evaluation and feedback from a global audience

3.1.2. Affective E-2.1 applies school division’s acceptable-use policy for ICT E-2.2 applies safety guidelines when communicating electronically Co-3.1 leads a group in the process of collaborative learning

3.2. From Manitoba Curriculum

3.2.1. C12-5-01 Outline the historical development of acid-base theories. Include: the Arrhenius, Brønsted-Lowry, and Lewis theories

3.2.2. C12-5-02 Write balanced acid-base chemical equations. Include: conjugate acid-base pairs and amphoteric behaviour

4. Prerequisites

4.1. Review

4.1.1. Know the difference between acids and bases

4.1.2. Understand the definition of each type of acid or base that you can have

4.1.3. Students will know how to use google documents to create reports

4.2. Goals

4.2.1. Be able to identify acids or bases based on their chemical composition

4.2.2. Know the theory as to why these acids or bases are composed the way they are

4.3. Set context

4.3.1. What cleaning product should you use?

4.3.2. If an acid touches you what should you do?