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Zoe Wanna-Be Volunteer 2 により Mind Map: Zoe Wanna-Be Volunteer 2

1. Before App Discovery

1.1. Zoe is interested in volunteering but doesn't know where to start and feels overwhelmed by the options.

1.2. Zoe scrolls through her Facebook news feed and happens to see an ad for Changemaker, an app that makes volunteering easy.

1.3. She clicks through the ad with a small amount of trepidation, unsure if it will work, be relevant to her needs, or be any good.

1.4. She watches a simple animated tutorial on how Changemaker works. The tutorial seems technologically savvy and well-done, so she feels like the app might be as well.

2. Getting Started

2.1. Zoe clicks to start a profile in the web app. She is first asked her name and zip code: easy.

2.1.1. She is also given the option to sign in with her Facebook profile so she can share and invite friends. She declines because she's tired of yet another app asking for her facebook, but keeps it in the back of her mind for the future if she does continue using the app.

2.2. Next she is asked her interests with regard to philanthropy. She checks all the boxes that pertain to her interests: animals, child mentorship, and adult vocational mentorship. So far, the task has been easy.

2.3. Zoe is then asked whether she is interested in long term or short term volunteering opportunities, or both.

2.4. Zoe is then reminded to complete her volunteer profile, more in-depth questions like where she works, what her experience has been volunteering and pertinent information to check her background. She is also invited to respond to questions via video interview, if she doesn't feel like typing everything out herself.

2.4.1. She decides to fill out her profile later, when she has chosen an organization because she's in a hurry and wants to get to the good stuff.

2.5. From here she is guided to the map of places that she has "matched" with, organizations which fit her interests, timeframe and are closeby. She is able to scroll out to see areas farther away from her as well.

2.6. From here, she is able to explore and evaluate each organization individually. She flips through pictures of the location, of the management, and reviews from others who have used the Changemaker app. She chooses a place called Animal Haven.

3. Choosing Animal Haven

3.1. Animal Haven is right down the street from her and has lots of open calendar dates that fit her schedule. She decides to message the volunteer manager there to see if she can schedule a drop in meeting to take a peek at the premises and the animals.

3.2. She hits the message button and writes Anna, Manager at Animal Haven a quick note. Anna responds the next morning and, by afternoon, Zoe has scheduled her first drop-in meeting.

3.3. Anna and Zoe meet and Zoe gets a tour of the premises. They chat briefly and Zoe realizes the app was right; she'll get hands on time with animals and the organization is clean and safe.

3.4. After she leaves, she logs back into the app and tries to set an appointment to volunteer the following Sunday. The app reminds her to complete her profile and, once completed, schedule an appointment. Zoe completes her profile in 20 minutes and schedules an appointment.