what is at the center of Huckleberry Finn ch. 8-11?

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what is at the center of Huckleberry Finn ch. 8-11? により Mind Map: what is at the center of Huckleberry Finn ch. 8-11?

1. Chapter 10

1.1. `

1.2. What comes of Handlin Snake Skin

1.3. Jim hadn't seen a bigger one. He would 'a' been worth a good deal over at the village.

1.4. Friendship

2. Chapter 11

2.1. They're After us

2.2. Git up and and hump yourself, Jim!!!

2.3. Friendship

3. Chapter 9

3.1. The House of Death Floats By

3.2. I crept up the dead water under the bank hadn't no accident and didn't see nobody. we got home all safe.

3.3. Friendship

4. Chapter 8

4.1. I Spare Miss Watson's Jim

4.2. I owns myself, en I's wuth eight hund'd dollars. I wish had de money, I wouldnt want no mo

4.3. The point of the Chapter 8 is Family