Multimodal Reflection of Multimodal Project My multimedia project relates to the Classic Disney P...

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Multimodal Reflection of Multimodal Project My multimedia project relates to the Classic Disney Princess Films and how they portray hidden messages to viewers (usually young girls) and how these messages continue to affect viewers throughout their lives and throughout today's society that embraces the Disney princess culture. により Mind Map: Multimodal Reflection of Multimodal Project My multimedia project relates to the Classic Disney Princess Films and how they portray hidden messages to viewers (usually young girls) and how these messages continue to affect viewers throughout their lives and throughout today's society that embraces the Disney princess culture.

1. The princesses in these films each portray no other ambition than to find a husband or prince who serves as their prince charming when he rescues them from their fates so they can live happily ever after. Furthermore, Belle is the only princess that enjoys to read, which depicts her as an outcast in the film because it is implied that she doesn't need intelligence since she is beautiful.

2. Both Snow White and Aurora were issued true love's first kiss while in a comatic state or perceived to be dead--this sends messages of necrophelia and non-consensual sexual advances to viewers

3. The princess' use seduction and body language most prevalently by Ariel and Jasmine to obtain the men they desire

4. Attire and Appearrance of the young princesses was not age appropriate and sends the wrong message to young girls who in turn idolize and want to look like the princesses in these films and create body issues amongst them

5. Princess Ages During the films and their betrothels: 14 - Snow White 15 - Jasmine 16 - Ariel and Aurora 17 - Belle 19 - Cinderella

6. My Argument: Classic Disney princess films portray underlying messsges to viewers that include sexism, patriatchal views, and false societal norms throughout generations who usually begin watching these films at very young, impressionable ages.

7. I chose to do a video as my genre for this multimodal project and then uploaded it to YouTube for a public audience. My title for the video has "Disney" in it so it is being associated with other videos about Disney. Lastly, I interviewed my seven-year-old son after watching The Little Mermaid as a way to display what children his age that also view these films are actually noticing while watching them.