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Scaffolding により Mind Map: Scaffolding

1. Students

1.1. Regular Students

1.1.1. Most of the class

1.2. Special Needs

1.2.1. IEP/ 504

1.3. ELL

1.3.1. small group

2. Implementation

2.1. I Do

2.1.1. Direct Instruction

2.1.2. Organizers form class IEP Students will use basic organizers for notes/tips

2.2. We Do

2.2.1. Examples on whiteboards Ipads

2.2.2. Game with Hints www.mathgames.com

2.3. You Do

2.3.1. Practice with partner

2.3.2. They teach each other

3. Objective

3.1. Students should be able to add and subtract fractions with equivalent denominators.

3.2. Students should be able to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominatora.

4. Glitsch/Fix

4.1. Question: Is there another way?

4.1.1. What other sources can we use?

4.2. Risks

4.2.1. Some still won't get it.

4.2.2. How do we help them?

4.3. Proactive steps

4.3.1. Visual and manipulative objects CUBES BLOCKS

4.3.2. work with simple numbers and practice more

5. Outcome

5.1. Most get it

5.1.1. Add new information

5.1.2. try new lesson with extension of first part

5.2. Some get it

5.2.1. still can try new lesson

5.3. Still don't get it

5.3.1. may start re-teach

5.3.2. Add some more opportunities to change the look of what you need to achieve.

6. Check this link for the Standard:http://www.corestandards.org/Math/Content/5/NF/