How does the NBA effect the economy?

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How does the NBA effect the economy? により Mind Map: How does the NBA effect the economy?

1. Revenue for states

1.1. After projecting 2014 NBA All-Star to generate $89.6 million, a recent study by the University of New Orleans’ b.$4.9 million in tax revenue was generated for the state of Louisiana, with $3.2 million in tax revenue going to governments in the New Orleans area.

2. Worker effectiveness

2.1. Without NBA games to obsess over, people will actually do their jobs.

3. Money effects

3.1. So if these games are lost in a lockout, the thinking goes, NBA cities lose out on big money.

4. NBA big events

4.1. The value of an NBA All-Star Weekend is often measured in entertainment value and bragging rights, b.$5,374, the most expensive 2015 All-Star Game ticket recently sold on

5. Shoe brand

5.1. .Everyone knows that the world's greatest basketball player is also one of its most recognizable brands, but for the first time, FORTUNE has calculated the economic impact that Michael Jordan has had since joining the NBA in 1984.

6. Jobs in the NBA

6.1. .Harry Buffalo is one of the downtown restaurants in Cleveland that counts heavily on the beer-drinking, burger-devouring NBA crowd to keep its doors open. b.With yellow highlighter, he's shaded the grim news of the NBA labor impasse for his employees, some who might soon lose their jobs if there's no deal.

7. Thesis Statement

7.1. The NBA effects the economy greatly.First, it depends on how many tickets they sell. Second,the NBA teams takes away from there team state. Finally, in the big events like all-star games thats when they pay the most to go see. That is how the NBA effects the economy