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War Poets により Mind Map: War Poets

1. When 1900-1945

1.1. Civil War Usa

1.2. Boer War south africa

1.3. World War I

1.3.1. 1914-1918

1.4. World War II

1.4.1. 1939-1945

2. Poets

2.1. Rupert Brooke

2.1.1. The Soldier

2.2. Siegfried Sassoon

2.2.1. "They"

2.3. Wilfred Owen

2.3.1. "Dulce Et Decorum Est"

2.3.2. "Futility"

2.3.3. "Asleep"

2.4. Robert Frost

2.4.1. "Not to Keep"

2.5. T. S. Eliot

2.5.1. "The Waste Land"

2.6. W. B. Yeats

2.7. James Joyce

2.7.1. Ulysses

2.8. W. H. Auden

2.9. Joseph Conrad

2.10. Virginia Woolf

2.11. George Orwell

2.11.1. 1984

2.11.2. Animal Farm

2.12. Aldous Huxley

2.12.1. Crome Yellow

3. Important stuff to keep in mind

3.1. Romanticizing of war

3.1.1. before WWI

3.2. marks the end of a whole phase of Europian civilisation

3.3. People at home had no idea of the horrors occurring on the battlefields

3.4. whole generation wiped out

3.5. People were completely unprepared for the horrors of modern trench warfare.

3.6. PTSD

4. Recognizable themes

4.1. Desolate landscapes

4.2. blasted trees

4.3. mud

4.4. rat's

4.5. trenches

4.6. miles of barbed wire

4.7. machine gun fire

4.8. sense of permanent stalement

4.9. sense that these horrors could continue forever