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Literacy and Mathematics により Mind Map: Literacy and Mathematics

1. Benefits of Literacy in Math

1.1. it increases the students development in multiple content areas.

1.2. Students learn to use language to focus and work through problems, to communicate ideas coherently and clearly, to organize ideas and structure arguments, to extend their thinking and knowledge to encompass their own problem-solving and thinking processes as well as those of others

1.3. evidence-based writing gives the ability to present an argument grounded in fact and reasoning rather than opinion

2. communication

2.1. Research has shown that mathematics texts contain more concepts per sentence and paragraph than any other type of text.

2.2. Mathematics teachers don't need to become reading specialists in order to help students read mathematics texts, but they do need to recognize that students need their help reading in mathematical contexts.

3. Common Core Standards

3.1. Parents, administrators, policy makers all cling to the way math has always been taught, even though it works poorly, because they can’t imagine any other way to do it.

3.2. let students work at their own pace, and do not let them go forward until they have mastered necessary basics. et students work at their own pace, and do not let them go forward until they have mastered necessary basics.

3.3. According to Rutherford-Becker & Vanderwood, students’ mathematical performance is influenced by both computational skills and reading comprehension.

4. The textbook

4.1. Students are taught or have learned to identify general statements, use of bold print, definitions, examples, explanations, summaries, margin notes, diagrams.

4.2. Does not promote conceptual understanding.

4.3. Can be a barrier to someone that is learning to read.

4.4. Students can learn the material without being able to read or understand the textbook, this does not promote literacy.

5. Mathematical Language

5.1. Without understanding the mathematical language the student will find it increasingly more difficult to learn advance math concepts.

5.2. Math can be and is, to many, another language that is used to communicate in unique ways.

5.3. The language of Math is important for the student to know as read about concepts and theories expressed in this language.

5.4. Many students find it difficult to identify what the reading or question is asking of them.