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Thriller Webtoon により Mind Map: Thriller Webtoon

1. Sense of Wonder

1.1. Elena

1.1.1. Missing boy flyer in the first scene

1.1.2. Nosy next door lady asking about Carl's wife that she's never met

1.1.3. Elena is never shown in the episode

1.1.4. Carl is the only one talking, his wife never responds to him

1.1.5. The episode is left with an unopened door marked to open only on their anniversary (today)

1.2. Chiller

1.2.1. Wonders why she is going to die in five days What should she do with her last living days

1.2.2. After the five days she wonders why she isn't dead

1.3. Tales of The Unusual

1.3.1. Dream in order to kill someone who is going to die and how

2. Overall Message

2.1. Connection to Death

2.1.1. dreams

2.1.2. messengers

2.2. Sense of wonder

2.2.1. suspense

2.3. Connection to fear

2.3.1. death

3. Setting

3.1. Elena

3.1.1. Dark, cold, windy, eery

3.1.2. Two houses connected, sitting alone on a hill

3.1.3. Inside of Carl's home

3.1.4. Introduced to an unopened door

3.2. Chiller

3.2.1. Corner of library dark where Hell's messenger appears

3.2.2. Abandoned building attempting to be be spontaneous before death

3.2.3. Boat visiting new places before death

3.2.4. Tattoo parlor

3.2.5. Jail

3.2.6. Kreyul's home where she realizes she's still alive after five days

3.3. Tales of The Unusual

3.3.1. School

3.3.2. In one's dream

3.3.3. Jaeyoon's house

4. Characters

4.1. Elena

4.1.1. Carl - main character

4.1.2. Woman next door - nosy neighbor to Carl

4.1.3. Elena - Carl's wife

4.2. Chiller

4.2.1. Kissae- Hell's messenger

4.2.2. Kreyul Arroyal- 17 year old girl who learns she is going to die (main character)

4.2.3. Tattoo artist

4.2.4. Tempters

4.3. Tales of the Unusual

4.3.1. Jaeyoon- Main character

4.3.2. Joongwon Choi a.k.a Burger - Jaeyoon's olf friend

4.3.3. Yoora Seo -prettiest girl in the school

4.3.4. Jungyeol and his gang - bullies

5. Symbols

5.1. Elena

5.1.1. Missing boy flyer

5.1.2. Hidden wife

5.1.3. Outside door labeled "Don't open until Anniversary"

5.2. Chiller

5.2.1. Bindi on characters

5.2.2. monkey

5.2.3. tattoo rose

5.2.4. reoccurring skull

5.3. Tales of The Unusual

5.3.1. Dreams

5.3.2. Gallery of the Damned Picture Frame Fog