Polish Volunteer Summary (April 2017)

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Polish Volunteer Summary (April 2017) により Mind Map: Polish Volunteer Summary (April 2017)

1. Testing the dedicated systems to perform the tournaments in "casual" ways 1v1/3v3 - BGT do not SUPPORT this type YET

2. Develop Project Management - AGILE environment (How we work more efficient) - Furii's Volunteers approach develop

2.1. Executing more and more the development

2.2. Rising awareness of self-development inside volunteers

3. Puchar Runeterry

3.1. It is basically a BattleGrounds tournament but made and arranged in 100% by volunteers

3.2. Closed project to the final END

3.2.1. Streamed Finals - content on YOUTUBE

3.2.2. Promoted VIA Facebook

3.2.3. Sent REWARDS

3.2.4. Collected FEEDBACK - FUTURE PLANS

4. Basic translation tasks that Polish Rioters do not have time to do extra

4.1. QA Taliyah

5. Facebook - redesign the way how we will work

5.1. New Stuff

5.1.1. Content Creators Series 1 https://trello.com/c/Gft7uLN2/315-content-s-owny Series II Series III

5.1.2. Graphic Creators Series I, II, III

5.2. Old Ways

5.2.1. Content creators

5.2.2. Answering inside messages

5.3. Develop the way how we "act" as whole volunteer, that everyone can have impact of the final form of the content

6. Magazine by Volunteers for Community - Underdevelopment

6.1. We abandoned the idea

6.2. We made research which tool would be the most awesome

7. Recruiting process

7.1. No HOLD - Legal aspects

8. Brain Storming Sessions with Polish Rioters

8.1. Future of Spotlights

8.2. Future of BGT's

8.3. Feedback regards Puchar Runeterry

8.4. Feedback regards Dzień Dziecka

8.5. Dynamic Q

8.6. ESL Polands issues with licence for streaming as "studio"

8.7. University Project

9. Participating in different projects Globally - PB Knowledge and etc ....

10. Communication aspect with other regions - Getting in better touch with each other with feedback/comment

11. Spotlights - Giving a spotlight of community members that deserved a better promotion in volunteers eyes

11.1. Madlencia - Waiting for publishment

12. Global Motivation Inventory - Underdevelopment

12.1. Waiting for course of action

13. An Ideal Volunteer Program - Serious Talkshow with Rioters

13.1. Helping setting it up

13.2. Our "vision" - by mean volunteer that had already experience in corporation volunteer fields before

14. Tuesday's weekly topics for Community

14.1. Small private Spotlights on something outside Polish Community (Board)

15. Mod Rights for News Comments - to destroy phishing links + keep moderated content for players via volunteers

15.1. Develop punishment strategy for all kind crimes. It's more HARSH than Boards ones.

16. Polish Moderation Tool

16.1. Updates on News Moderation aspect

16.2. Detected Apollo's bugs and prevent them

16.3. Adding new "CURSE" words into BLACKLIST

17. Daily Quests - list of actions that our Rioters are suppose to do. We link them as whole, so they can arrange their time and resources more effective

17.1. https://trello.com/c/DdgnoDfm/277-daily-questy

17.2. We keeping it as trial, it works fine but still need an active Rioter

18. Alpha Stream

18.1. Denied by Riot

18.2. Maybe we as volunteer will do it by our own

19. Turniej Wikinga Gregora 1v1

19.1. Setting up Rules

19.2. Rewards

19.3. ADJ

19.4. FB promotion

19.5. Board Promotion

19.6. Content by it self

19.7. Our Polish Volunteer Stream of Final game

19.7.1. https://www.twitch.tv/furiitv

19.8. Preparing logistic structure

19.9. Collecting GOALS

20. Preparing 1v1 visual content for Turniej Wikinga Gregora

21. Internal Structure Volunteer Structure Upgreades

21.1. Update Event Selection on Trello by Puchar Runeterry + Dzień Dziecka 2016 + Turniej Vikinga Gregora

21.1.1. Close Feedback session with Rioters about results

21.2. Add more visual appereance on Trello - Who do what on "obvious things" such as moderation

21.2.1. More transparency for volunteers

22. Develop Emergency Riot Call


23.1. https://www.twitch.tv/furiitv/v/69905368


23.3. Preparations - 1400 players

23.4. ASSETS

23.4.1. https://trello.com/c/blPY1aj0/302-dzien-dziecka-pierdo-ki


23.5.1. http://boards.eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl/c/ogloszenia-pl/orcxTeiJ-dzie-dziecka-2016-wspalne-granie

23.6. SIGN UP PART - 1327 UNIQUE ppl

23.6.1. http://boards.eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl/c/wspolne-granie-pl/OPVEveRF-zapisy-dzie-dziecka-2016-wspalne-granie

24. Alpha Client

24.1. Guides

24.1.1. http://boards.eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl/c/aktualizacja-klienta-dyskusja/uxJbcU4Z-dostae-siao-do-alfy-jak-rozpoznaal-e-jeste-wybracem-pierwsze-kroki-testera

24.1.2. http://boards.eune.leagueoflegends.com/pl/c/aktualizacja-klienta-dyskusja/dEcLLXRn-poradnik-testera-czy-jeste-gotowy-na-przygodao

25. Dzień Dziecka 2016 - What we learn

25.1. We set up records of the records

26. Updated Skill Inventory of Volunteers - we updated the already well know sheet of skills


28. Research of topics & content for info graphics that can be created and used

29. Contacting with Customer Support Rioters to fix & update & QA the articles that are messy

29.1. Still reporting

29.2. They fixing it very slowly QQ

30. Accepting the Challenge of English Volunteers to "Beat Polish Volunteers"

30.1. We treat it as joke but it motivates us even more

31. Searching potential field where we as volunteer could create video guides like Fury's made already


32.1. New BGT - in less 2 weeks

32.2. or finally Serious University League base on BattleGrounds that has been already developing over 7 months

33. Developing the next version of Invation script for Community Events - new features, more efficient