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Linh Cinder により Mind Map: Linh Cinder

1. Hazel Grace Lancaster:  when our closest friends, boyfriends, and families died, our emotional and physical bonds were cut off from them, and nearly everyone else. We had no one to talk to, and no one be be around anymore. Their deaths, made us feel all alone.

2. 1st object: toolbox, shows her skills of mechanic and start of plot when she meets Prince Kai in repair shop

3. Object 2: Iko, android and one of my onyl friends - was destroyed after I was arrested by Linh Adri

4. Object 3: Prosthetic Foot - old one was too small, on cover, shows that I am cyborg at the beginning of the book when I buy it

5. Object 4: Peoni's ID card - When Peoni died of letumosis, or ‘the plague’ I went to the hospital, and I found out that the androids were throwing away the ID cards, so I kept hers and ran away with it.

6. Object 5: Old gas-powered car - I was looking for a spare part for a repair in the junkyard with Peoni, I found this orange-gas-powered car. I had planned to fix it and drive away from my life and my harsh stepmother. But, I never got the chance.

7. Profile - Name: Linh Cinder,  Mechanic, Long-lost Princess Selene, Wanted fugitive and criminal

8. America Shreave: both faced problems of social status, and social equality, but both had continued to push through.

9. August "Auggie" Pullman: Auggie and I had both been judged by what we look like, and not what really matters; what’s on the inside.

10. Mare Barrow: Both have had to go through the same transitions as each other as we climbed up and down to social ladder.