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My Mental Model により Mind Map: My Mental Model

1. What I value:  Schools should be safe, comfortable learning environments of collaborative partnerships.

1.1. leadership teams are used to create empowered teachers who work toward a shared vision

1.2. teams, made up of teacher leaders, teacher teams, a parent, a student, and a community member.  The goal of each team is individualized, but the direction of all teams work toward a common goal(s).

1.3. teams within the school represent all school stakeholders.  teams carry responsibility to lessen the load of one individual leader.

1.3.1. teams can evolve and rotate on an as needed basis

2. culture

2.1. The International Baccalaureate used the term tolerance.  I have always struggled with this.  Should we hope for students to simply tolerate differences, or accept them?  School Culture needs to be addressed each year as we evolve as a community as well as globally.  Culture includes how students feel they are accepted, honoring where each comes from, but needs to come from faculty, families, and community.

2.1.1. My new school is not very diverse in ethnicity or SES.  However, culture  goes deeper than that.  It embodies our personal beliefs, mindsets, family support, and perceptions of education as well as the world around us.

3. climate

3.1. School Climate can be reviewed each year and will be in my leadership position.  Teachers first and foremost need and deserve a climate in which they feel supported and safe.  If teachers have what they need to feel comfortable, take risks without fear of judgement or harsh critique, the atmosphere of school will be conductive to growth mindset and collaboration.

3.1.1. Students are the best judge of climate in my opinion.  They are honest and sensitive to the energies around them.  Students being involved in committees together with teachers will allow for an avenue of clear communication of how the school is doing in supporting the ideal climate. Students will be taught that we are all individuals. Each with separate abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Goals for each student should be visible and clearly defined.  RtI is an effective form for this process to be accountable.

4. Who I am as a Leader

4.1. Going back to the beginning of my journey, I recall several avenues for leadership styles, personalities,

4.1.1. Survey of Personal & Relational Leadership Skills That Affect Success: Strengthys: Motivation, Self Regulation, interpersonal relationships Johari Window: What others see: Independent, Bold, Caring, Confident GregorC Scale: Concrete Random Via Institute of Character:  Strengths came to Bravery, Perseverance and Leadership. Weaknesses from VIA survey were Forgiveness, Appreciation of Beauty, Spirituality.

4.2. Personally I value Respect, Integrity, Collaboration, Community, and High Expectations of self and others.

4.3. I plan to utilize my strengths, such as interpersonal relationships, to empower, encourage, and inspire my school, district, and community.  I know that my ability to regulate and stay composed and calm with steer the ship through storms we face.

4.4. Listening is my first plan of action.  Being the new leader, I have much to learn about the system, those involved and what is in the hearts of all involved stakeholders.