My Foundations of Education

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My Foundations of Education により Mind Map: My Foundations of Education

1. History of U.S. Education

1.1. I.  The Progressive Movement:  An Influential Reform Movement in Education

1.1.1. A)  John Dewey

1.1.2. B)  Child-Centered Reform

1.2. II.  Historical Interpretations of ED

1.2.1. A)  The Democratic-Liberal School 1)  Believe in providing equality of opportunity for all 2)  Expand educational opportunities 3)  Common School Era 4)  Lawrence A. Cremin

1.2.2. B)  The Radical-Revisionist School 1)  Began in the 1960s 2)  Michael Katz, Joel Spring, and Clarence Karier 3)  Believe the educational system expanded for opportunity 4)  Kevin Dougherty, Steven Brint, & Jersome Karabel sasy expansion has not resulted in equality opportunity

1.2.3. C)  The Conservative Perspective 1)  Argued that students knew very little and that U.S. schools were mediocre 2)  Diane Ravitch

2. Sociological Perspectives

2.1. I.  Theoretical Perspective of Conflict Theories

2.1.1. 1)  Karl Marx

2.1.2. 2)  Randall Collins

2.1.3. 3)  Emphasize struggle

2.2. II.  Three Effects of Schooling on Individuals

2.2.1. 1)  Knowledge and Attitudes. a)  The higher the social class background of the student, the higher his or her achievement

2.2.2. 2)  Employment

2.2.3. 3)  Education and Mobility

3. The Politics of Education

3.1. I.  Conservative Perspective

3.1.1. A)  Role of the School

3.1.2. B)  Explanations of Unequal Educational Performance

3.1.3. C)  Definition of Educational Problems

3.1.4. D)  Policy and Reform

3.1.5. E)  The American Dream

3.2. II.  Traditional Vision of ED

3.2.1. A)  The Differences of a Traditional Vision

3.2.2. B)  Values

4. Philosophy of Education

4.1. Pragmatism

4.1.1. 1) Generic Notions a)  Attainment of a better society through education.

4.1.2. 2)  Key Researchers a)  George Peirce b)  William James c)  John Dewey

4.1.3. 3)  Goal of Education a)  Implement, challenge, and restructure ideas b)  Dewey's primary goal of education was growth c)  Dewey's role of school was to be "a lever of social reform"

4.1.4. 4)  Role of Teacher a)  Facilitator b)  Encourages, offers suggestions, questions, helps plan and implement courses of study c) Writes Curriculum d)  Several Disciplines

4.1.5. 5)  Method of Instruction a)  Problem-solving or inquiry method b)   Field trips and projects were part of the learning

4.1.6. 6)  Curriculum a)  Academic and vocational disciplines were used b)  Social studies/expanding environments were integrated

5. Schools as Organizations

5.1. Major Stakeholders in Dallas County, AL

5.1.1. Sen. Richard Shelby & Sen. Jeff Sessions

5.1.2. Terri Sewell, House of Reps.

5.1.3. State Superintendent, Tommy Bice

5.1.4. Dallas County Board Superintendent, Hattie Shelton

5.1.5. Dallas County Baord Members Assistant Superintendent, Vickie Poe Administrative Assistant, Hattie Bell Consultant, Don Willingham

5.2. Comparison of Two School Systems

5.2.1. Dallas County Schools, AL

5.2.2. Athens City Schools, AL

6. Curriculum and Pedagogy

6.1. Developmentalist Curriculum

6.1.1. Related to the needs and interests of students rather than needs of society

6.1.2. Student-centered

6.1.3. Teacher is a facilitator of student growth

6.2. Modern Functionalist Theory

6.2.1. Teach values  and norms essential to modern society

6.2.2. Prepares students for roles in modern society

6.2.3. Talcott PArsons and Robrt Dreeben

6.2.4. Teaches students how to learn instead of memorization

7. Equality of Opportunity

7.1. The Coleman Study

7.1.1. Studied the relationship between the organizational characteristics of schools and student achievement.  Also studied the relationship between the organizational characteristics of schools and student achievement. Conclusion:  Yes, school differences do make a difference in terms of student outcomes.

7.2. Educational Achievement and Attainment of Marginal Population

7.2.1. Depsite improvements of minority students, African-American and Hispanic American students still lag behnd white students in educational achievement and attainment.

7.2.2. Female students outperform male students in most categories, with the exception of mathematics and science.

7.2.3. Problem:  The Condition of Education does not include measures of SES status and social class background.

7.2.4. Much research indicates that social class is strongly and independently related to educational attainment and achievement and attainment.

8. Educational Inequality

8.1. School-Centered Explnation

8.1.1. School Financing Schools are mostly supported by property taxes, therefore, the more affluent communities and afford more per-pupil spending than poorer districts.

8.1.2. Differences in Curriculum and Pedagogic Practices Secondary level schools are more likely to have authoritarian and teacher-directed pedagogic practices. Schools in middle-class communities are more likely to have less authoritarian and more student-centered pedagogy.

8.1.3. Gender Feminists such as Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Ellen Willis, Germaine Greer, and Kate Millet had an influence on the gender of education.

8.2. Sociological Explanation of Unequal Achievement

8.2.1. Functionalists Theories Believe you must understand the sources of educational inequality so as to ensure the elimination of structural barriers to educational success and to provide all groups a fair chance to comoete in the ed marketplace.

8.2.2. Conflict Theorists Believe the role of schooling is to reproduce rather than eliminate inequality.

9. Educational Reform

9.1. School-Basaed Reform

9.1.1. School-to-Work Programs Intent was to extend what had been a vocational emphasis to non-college-bound students for successful employment and to stress work-based learning. School-to-work Opportunities Act of 1994 signed by Bill Clinton Allowed the system to prepare youth for the high-wage, high-skill careers of today and tomorrow Should provide relevant education, skills, valued credentials Vocational education remains a "second class" educational track. Every state and local school-to-work system had to contain 3 core elements; high academic and occupational skill standards, career exploration and mentoring at job sites, and integrating classroom and on the job training.

9.2. Political Reform

9.2.1. George W. Bush

9.2.2. Components are:                            *Annual testing required for grades 3-8 and grades 10-12;                            *States and districts are required to report data on student test performance;                                                 *States must set adequate yearly progress goals for each school,             *If schools are showing a failing grade, then students are given the option to go to another public school,              *Schools must have highly qualified teachers for the core academic subjects School improvement should be aimed at integrative realm, developmental realm, and egalitarian realm schooling.

9.2.3. President Obama established the Race to the Top Fund whish was for making sure the states met the components of NCLB

9.2.4. Jonathan Kozol and his book Time Magazine His book shared the political controversies of unequal funding of public schools based on property taxes.

9.2.5. Central Park East Secondary School was an example of a successful politically reformed school.