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Assesments により Mind Map: Assesments

1. Types of Assesments

1.1. Summative

1.1.1. More of a review of a large amount of concepts

1.1.2. Standard test, final exam, cumulative projest? Prepare students for major exams.

1.2. Formative

1.3. Formal or informal?

1.3.1. Informal: observe

1.3.2. Formal: Quizzes

1.4. What: Gather evidence of student learning

1.4.1. How:  Discussions,Homework Quizzes, Tests Why: See where students are/ adjust instruction So? Give Feedback, and adjust instruction.

2. Purpose of Assesment

2.1. Asseses

2.1.1. What didnt work well?

2.1.2. What worked well?

2.1.3. Should I change teaching style"

2.2. Evaluate

2.2.1. What did they understand?

2.2.2. How did my students do?

2.2.3. What didn't they understand?

3. Feedback

3.1. Types of Feedback

3.1.1. Scaffold

3.1.2. Goal oriented

3.1.3. Standards Referenced

3.2. Norm Referenced

3.3. Nature of Feedback

3.3.1. Is it effective? Amount of feedback? Timing?

4. Adjustment of instruction

4.1. What best benefits the student?

4.1.1. Individual Tutoring

4.2. What adjustment should I make?

4.2.1. Present infromation clearer? Ask more questions?

4.2.2. Give more assignments? Allow students to tutor each other?

5. New Topic