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Foundations of Education により Mind Map: Foundations of Education

1. Philosophy of Education

1.1. All teachers have a personal philosphy of life that colors they way in which they select knowledge; order their classrooms; interact with students, peers, parents, and administrators; and select values to emphasize within their classrooms.

2. Schools as Organizations and Teacher Professionalization

2.1. The Structure of U.S. Education

2.2. Degree of "Openness"

2.3. International Comparisions

2.4. School Processes and School Cultures

2.5. Teachers, Teaching, and Professionalization

3. Curriculum, Pedagogy, and the Transmission of Knowledge

4. Eqaulity of Opportunity and Educational Outcomes

5. Educational Reform and School Improvement

6. Politics of Education

6.1. Political Perspectives

6.1.1. The conservatives, liberal, and radical perspectives all look at educational issues and problems from distinctly different, but sometimes overlapping, point of views.

7. History of US Education

7.1. From its very inception, the school was charged with assuming roles that once were the province of family, church, and community.

7.2. The school continues to serve as a focal point in larger issues of societal needs.

7.3. There is little consensus on the motives for school reforms.

8. Sociological Prospectives

8.1. Effects of Schooling on Individuals

8.1.1. Knowledge and Attitudes

8.1.2. Employment

8.1.3. Education and Mobility

9. Explanations of Educational Inequality