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Text により Mind Map: Text

1. Bitmaps font

1.1. consist of a matrix of dots pixels representingthe image

2. Vector fonts

2.1. drawing use instructions and mathematical formula to describe each glyph

3. Character sets

4. Hypertext

4.1. text which contains links to other texts

4.2. the term was invented by Ted Nelson around 1965

4.3. the subset of hypermedia

5. Hypermedia

5.1. not constrained to be text-based

5.2. it can include other media , eg . graphics,images,sound and video

6. Font

6.1. a collection of characters of a single size and style belonging to a particular typeface family.

6.2. Ex: Arial 18 point Bold

7. Typeface

7.1. a family of graphic characters,often with many type sizes and styles.

7.2. Ex: Bookman Old Style