Safety and Risk eLearning

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Safety and Risk eLearning により Mind Map: Safety and Risk eLearning

1. Hazards, Signage and Equipment

1.1. Common Hazards

1.2. Common Signage

1.3. Identifying Tags

1.4. Driving Council Vehicles

2. Reporting Incidents

2.1. Using HandS

2.2. Notifiable Incidents

2.3. In an Emergency

2.4. Health and Injury Management + First Aid

3. Managing Risks

3.1. Why Risk Management Matters

3.2. Having a Risk Mindset

3.3. Reporting Risks

3.4. Using our Risk Matrix

4. Our Safety Culture

4.1. Work Safe, Home Safe Video

4.2. Safety Facts

4.3. Target 0

5. Your Responsibilities

5.1. PCBU Responsibilities

5.2. Officer Responsibilities

5.3. Worker Responsibilities

5.4. Your Workplace Health and Safety Training (WHS Matrix)

5.5. Familiarising yourself with Safety and Risk Resources on the Intranet